Saturday, December 12, 2009

Earth's Heavenly Creature: The Yellow Dragon

Hi Everyone! Here is my contribution to Justine's moly. Just shipped off today...a bit late. I worked in watercolor, prismacolor and a bit of micron pigma ink.

I wanted to show the yellow dragon which is the heavenly creature of the element of Earth, but I wanted a mostly peaceful and restful image, since I think that our Earth really needs that, to heal. On the back of the drawn entry I included my own words as well as a saying that I learned from my children. It reads as follows:

Promise to the Earth

"Today I make a promise to the Earth,

And all life that it nourishes,

All growing things, all species of animals, and all races of people.

I promise to protect all life on our planet

to live in harmony with nature, and to share our resources justly,

so that all people can live in dignity, in good health and in peace."

Author Unknown.

Let me know what you all think!